Hardwood floors are beautiful and timeless. Each year since 1990 the NWFA (National Wood Flooring Association) has celebrated the best craftsmanship in hardwood floors with a Wood Floor of the Year contest. There have been some amazing floors that have competed and won, so since we love wood floors too, we thought we would share them with you.
SVB Has Won Wood Floor of the Year Twice!
In 2009, SVB became the first hardwood flooring company in Kansas to win the NWFA Wood Floor of the Year Award for wood floor design and installation. Our laser-cut design consisted of 2,300 individual pieces of red oak, maple, and walnut woven into an intricate diamond pattern. See below:
The last time we won the WFOY award was in 2016 when we received the award for an entire house. Here are some pictures of the floors:
The floors in this home were all about the details. The stunning entryway features an intricate Bordeaux pattern in walnut. The bedroom continues with the walnut theme, but the design changes to a wide plank chevron design enhancing the rustic feel provided by the exposed beams overhead and stone walls throughout the home. The office space is perhaps the most unique. It showcases a woven walnut design with a stone inlay. All of these floors are coated in rubiomonocoat for long-lasting protection.
What Is the NWFA?
The National Wood Flooring Association (NWFA) is an international not-for-profit trade association representing all segments of the hardwood flooring industry, including manufacturers, distributors, retailers, installers, importers/exporters, inspectors, and consultants. NWFA’s mission is to unify and strengthen the wood flooring community through technical standards, education, networking, and advocacy. They offer various programs and services including hands-on and online training. They host an annual Wood Flooring Expo, publish Hardwood Floors magazine, and feature an international Wood Floor of the Year Contest.
Wood Floor of the Year Categories
BEST IN COLORS, FINISHES, AND TEXTURED WOODEntries in this category include all types of job site-applied applications of stains, oils, dyes, reactive conditioners, layered color systems, faux finishing, or other finishing systems. This category also includes textured wood flooring surfaces such as hand-scraped, wire-brushed, distressed, sculpted, or any surface that is not a traditional flat surface. Details of the processes must be included in the description.
Entries in this category include any non-linear, hand-cut, curved shape, pattern, or design within a flooring system. The flooring design should include elements such as circles, ovals, curves, radial patterns, arcs, or bent material. Details of the processes must be included in the description.
Entries in this category include any wood flooring layout composed of wooden blocks arranged in a geometric pattern installed into a flooring project. Details of the installation process must be included in the description. It must be identified clearly whether the pattern was hand-cut or manufactured into the pattern.
Entries in this category include any hand-cut marquetry/intarsia design installed into the floor, as a stand-alone feature/medallion, or throughout the entire project. Inlays may include anything laid into the floor. Details of the hand-cutting process must be included in the description.
Entries in this category include all types of restoration projects, replacements, or repairs, in either a residential or commercial application. Submissions cannot be a previous Wood Floor of the Year entry. For this category, an additional photo of the “before” floor is required for judging. Any known history of the floor also should be included.
Entries in this category have installed floors utilizing advancements in technology (CNC, laser, etc). Any floor that has been constructed through CNC, laser, etc. technology must be entered into this category. Details of the manufacturing and installation process should be included in the description.
This category gives manufacturers a category to submit any projects using their products. Projects may showcase the products used, as well as information about the companies involved in the project. Details of the project must be included in the description.
Entries in this category include all types of staircase projects. Submissions may include new stair installations, or overlays, in either a residential or commercial application. Submissions cannot be a previous Wood Floor of the Year entry. For this category, NWFA has partnered with the Stairbuilders and Manufacturers Association (SMA) to help judge for quality and craftsmanship.
Entry in this category is automatic. All floors entered into the contest will be eligible, which will include all types of floors in all categories.
2024 Winners of Wood Floor of the Year Awards
The NWFA’s Wood Floor of the Year (WFOY) awards were developed to encourage and recognize innovative craftsmanship and design in wood flooring installations. Since the program began in 1990, more than 300 awards have been presented to NWFA member companies throughout the world. Here is a link to the NWFA’s Wood Floor of the Year 2024 winners.
If you want something unique, the design experts at SVB Wood Floors can create a one-of-a-kind design for you. There is no limit but your imagination. Contact us today with your ideas for a designer hardwood floor. We’d love to create a custom wood masterpiece in your home.